Error Fixed “Outlook Encrypted Connection Is Not Available”

Summary: If you’re trying to use Outlook but seeing an error message that says, “Outlook encrypted connection is not available,” don’t worry. The solutions are here – ensure your computer’s date and time match the system clock on your router or modem. It will help Outlook make a secure connection. Additionally, if you need help, we have tips to help make Outlook more secure. Keep reading to find out how to solve this problem.

Outlook Encrypted Connection is a way of ensuring secure communication between an Outlook client and an email server. It uses advanced technologies such as TLS, SSL, and certificates to ensure encrypted data is sent over the internet. It also helps protect it from unauthorized parties attempting to intercept or decode that information.

The encrypted connections help keep your data more secure over the internet. Microsoft Outlook is a popular email service provider. But sometimes encrypted connections are unavailable when using Outlook. Moreover, any information sent over email may be visible to anyone accessing the network. To solve this issue and ensure your emails are transmitted securely, you can check your internet security settings within Outlook or install additional encryption software on your device.

Outlook Encrypted Connection Is Not Available

What are the causes of “Outlook Encrypted Connection Is Not Available”

There are many reasons why Outlook encrypted connection may not be available. The most common issue is that you may need to enable encryption in your settings manually. The other reasons are examined below:-

  • An encrypted connection is not available in Outlook when the encryption settings are not configured correctly on either the server side or client side.
  • There might be an issue with the security certificate at either end such as expiration date, incorrect URL/IP address, etc.
  • Any third party addon which blocks secure connections could also impair encrypted connection from forming between two endpoints in a secure manner (SSL/TLS).
  • Browser extensions may obstruct port 443 for incoming or outgoing traffic due to misconfigured firewall rules.
  • It is possible that some web filtering software installed on your device interfering with secure outlook connection too.

Outlook Error 0x800ccc0f can occur when sending or receiving emails.

Method 1: Retrieve Auto-discover Information

It allows Outlook users to configure their profiles automatically with minimal manual setup. Additionally, when an end user sets up Outlook, they don’t have to manually enter the server settings or account information—Outlook will detect and retrieve this information from the domain.

  1. Open your Outlook application.
  2. Press and hold the CTRL key while you right-click the Outlook icon in the notification area.
  3. Now, double-check that the correct email address has been inputted in the Email Address field.
  4. Enter your password if you are logged into a domain other than your own or accessing someone else’s mailbox.
  5. Uncheck the boxes for Use Guessmart and Secure Guessmart Authentication.
  6. Press the Test button.
  7. Review the data on the Log tab.

If you want to enhance your email security, it’s time to revoke easy access to Outlook.

Method 2: Ensure that Computers are connected to the Exchange Server.

It is a way to ensure that the system can access Microsoft’s email servers to send and receive emails. Moreover, it has reliable access to sending, receiving, and managing emails regardless of location or device.

  1. Navigate to Microsoft’s Remote Connectivity Analyzer and then perform a diagnostic test.
  2. Click this link
  3. Navigate to the ‘Exchange Server’ tab and then proceed.
  4. Choose the “Outlook Autodiscover” option from the Microsoft Office Outlook Connectivity Tests.
  5. This test will ensure that Outlook is able to access Exchange.

Explore our in-depth guide for expert tips on data retrieval from hard drives.

Method 3: Ensure do not set up a permanent proxy

  1. To run a command in CMD with administrative privileges.
  2. Right-click on the CMD icon and select “Run as administrator.”
  3. Then type the desired command and press Enter.
      1. netsh winhttp show proxy
  1. If you see a message that lets you know you are using a “proxy server,” follow the directions to turn it off.

netsh winhttp reset proxy

If you’re getting an Outlook error 0x800ccc1a. It means there is a problem between your computer and the mail server.

Method 4: Restart the Computer

  1. Before restarting the computer, make sure all programs and documents are saved.
  2. Use a Shutdown button from your Operating System’s Start Menu/System Menu (for example: Windows). Also, you can hold the power button for about five seconds until it turns off completely.
  3. After waiting a few minutes, press the power button again to make your system work as usual.

Method 5: Update the Outlook Application

It ensures that essential security patches are properly installed on your system. To protect your data and to give you access to new features that can help improve your productivity. From Outlook, you can benefit from better performance, better reliability, and a more secure overall experience by making sure that it is kept up to date regularly.

  1. Open Outlook. Afterwards, navigate to the File menu.
  2. Click on the Office Account option located on the left panel of the screen.
  3. Click on the dropdown arrow located adjacent to the Update options.
  4. Choose the Update Now option.

Saving your emails from Outlook to a hard drive is easy and can help you keep track of important emails.


The article provided insight into why Outlook encrypted connection was not available, as well as how to fix the issue. It is clear that this issue occurs because of poorly configured server settings or incorrect security certificates. Therefore, to fix the problem and make sure that Outlook displays an encrypted connection, it is important to verify the server configurations and obtain a valid certificate. With these steps in mind, users should be able to quickly resolve their connection issues and secure their data while using Outlook securely.

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